In 2011, Lord Burlington first published the Devonshire Group Environmental Policy Statement outlining our commitment to enhance our environment and continuously reduce our impact on it. In the years that followed, we began collecting data relating to our biggest environmental impacts: our energy consumption and the way we treat waste.

In the ten years from 2019, we will continue to focus on waste and energy and aim to meet the following targets:

  1. Waste - Maintain zero to landfill, reduce waste volume per £ of turnover by 20% and increase waste separation/recycling rate to 75%
  2. Emissions - Deliver a decrease of 30% of carbon emissions per £ of turnover from buildings we use

Progress to date can be found below.

Alongside these, we will also continue to treat water as a precious resource, protect biodiversity on our estates, reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced by our operations, including preserving the capacity of our forests and moorland to sequester carbon.

Waste Goal

As well as maintaining zero to landfill, we will reduce waste volume per £ of turnover by 20% and increase waste separation/recycling rate to 75%.

We aim to source products made of recycled, recyclable or compostable materials, but the priority is always to avoid waste where possible. Teams have made strong progress, particularly around cutting waste. Last year, the waste generated by the Bolton Abbey Estate was 23 tonnes lower than in 2019, and our hotels have managed to reduce their waste by a staggering 66 tonnes.

Across the Devonshire Group, recycling rates have dropped slightly from 41% in 2019 to 37% in 2022. Total waste, meanwhile, has dropped by 23 tonnes. Relative to turnover, the Devonshire Group has cut its waste by 7% since 2019 – keeping us on track to meet our 10 year target.

Emissions Goal

We will deliver a decrease of 30% of carbon emissions per £ of turnover from buildings we use.

Relative to turnover, property-related emissions have fallen by -8% since 2019. To drive further progress, we have conducted energy saving audits at all major buildings and are looking at opportunities for renewable energy generation.

Work is also currently underway to develop a strategy for reaching Net Zero carbon emissions, further details of which will be shared later this year.

Responsible visitor charter

We also encourage our visitors to engage with our sustainability journey and create their own. As such, we have published a Responsible visitor charter containing practical suggestions for living in an environmentally responsible way. Download the charter.

Awards and networks

One of the ways we seek to improve performance is through active participation in, and support of, networks and certification schemes. By sharing knowledge and inspiring action on sustainability best practice, we hope to influence others and broaden our environmental impact.

Continue reading about our 10 goals for 10 years...

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